GSoC 2024 calls for aid! And Postgres will answer!
Google Summer of Code is back for 2024! Please review this announcement blog post.
And please make yourself familiar with the GSoC 2024 timeline!
Now is the time to work on getting together a set of projects we’d like to have GSoC students work on over the summer. Like last year, we must have a good set of projects for students to choose from before the deadline for mentoring organizations.
The deadline for Mentoring organizations to apply is February 6. The list of accepted organizations will be published on February 21.
Unsurprisingly, we’ll need to have an Ideas page again, so I’ve gone ahead and created one (copying last year’s).
Google discusses what makes a good “Ideas” list here.
All the entries are marked with ‘2023’ to indicate they were pulled from last year. If the project from last year is still relevant, please update it to ‘2024’. Make sure to revise all the information (in particular, list yourself as a mentor and remove the other mentors, as appropriate). Please also update the project’s scope to be reasonable for the time students are asked.
Having at least two mentors per project is an excellent idea to decrease the load. Please consider listing yourself as a co-mentor for projects with only one mentor listed. The program’s goals are not limited solely to code writing. One of the goals is to inspire new developers to begin participating in open-source communities and to help open-source projects identify and bring in new developers.
New entries are welcome and encouraged; note them as ‘2024’ when you add them.
Projects from last year that were worked on but had significant follow-on work to be completed are also welcome - update the description appropriately and mark it as being for ‘2024’.
When we get closer to submitting our application, I’ll clean out the ‘2023’ entries that have yet to receive any updates. Also, if any projects are no longer appropriate (maybe they were completed, for example, and no longer need work), please feel free to remove them. We may have missed some updates where a GSoC project was achieved independently of GSoC.
As a reminder, each idea on the page should be in the format that the other entries are in and should include:
- Project Description
- Skills needed
- Difficulty Level
- Project Size
- Potential Mentors
- Expected Outcomes
- References
As with last year, please consider PostgreSQL to be an “Umbrella” project, and anything that would be regarded as a “PostgreSQL Family” per the News/Announce policy is likely to be acceptable as a PostgreSQL GSoC project.
In other words, if you’re a contributor or developer on WAL-G, barman, pgBackRest, pgwatch, pgagroal, pgexporter, pgmoneta, pgpool, pgbouncer, the PostgreSQL website (pgweb), the PgEU/PgUS website code (pgeu-system), pgAdmin4, DBeaver, HeidiSQL, pldebugger, pspg, the PG RPMs (pgrpms), the JDBC driver, the ODBC driver, or any of the many other PG Family projects, please feel free to add a project for consideration!
Let’s have another great year of GSoC with PostgreSQL!
PGForce be with you!
Best regards,
Pavlo Golub,
on behalf of PostgreSQL GSoC Admins 💙💛