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Some Warsaw pgconf.eu photos
Some more on Twitter: PostgreSQL Conference Europe 2017
Hackers and Bugs lists migration and GMail’s filters
Hackers and Bugs are heavy loaded lists. So it’s wise to turn notification off for them. This may be done using Gmail’s filters. “Mark as Read” is the key to success. Yesterday I began to receive strange notifications on my phone from GMail. First was from Stephen Frost, then from Tatsuo Ishii and so on. … Continue reading Hackers and Bugs lists migration and GMail’s filters
Serial-Identity mix
As you probably know PostgreSQL 10 introduced IDENTITY columns. They are pretty much like serial columns from the first sight. To learn about differences one may refer to the perfect blog post by Peter Eisentraut. So I was wondering what if I mix some serial with some identity. So I executed such simple query: CREATE … Continue reading Serial-Identity mix
CHM-manual for PostgreSQL 9.6
As I already wrote years ago, I use PostgreSQL manuals very often since the 8.x versions. And if for earlier versions it was possible to download CHM help file, now it’s not. PostgreSQL manual consists of the 1351 topics (and still grows!) and I don’t like the search engine on the site much. It is … Continue reading CHM-manual for PostgreSQL 9.6
RDBMS on Stack Overflow trends
Stack Overflow provided a great tool for creating charts. This is mine for “PostgreSQL vs MySQL vs Oracle vs MSSQL”. PS Oracle and MSSQL have some additional tags depending on version. However, I’m sure we may not include them into statistics because the main tag is always used IMO.